Ivan Klymenko

  • Can you tell me about your background and how it influences your work?

 In the past, like most, I studied at an art school and even before entering college, I had to study for another year because there was a big competition and I needed to improve my skills in the basics of drawing. Education helped me on my creative path, although personal growth, diligence, perseverance and active painting helped me more.

Art Experience 2023 | Art Nordic  Lyngby, Danmark

  • Which artists have had the greatest influence on your work?

 Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Vincent van Gogh, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt, Jackson Pollock, Gerhard Richter, Mark Rothko.

  • Share your favorite medium with us.

 My favorite medium is oil on canvas. Although I sometimes experiment and try to work with other different materials such as: pencil, ink, charcoal, watercolor, tempera, gouache, pastel, sanguine.

Kaiserstein Palace  Prague, Czech Republic

  • Where do you get your inspiration? 

 In nature, in architecture, in meditation.

  • Describe how important art is for society.

 I believe that it is an integral part of society, culture, as it is a multifaceted manifestation.

  • How do you define success as an artist?

 I believe that when an artist expresses in creativity what he wants and at the same time his creativity is in demand and is of interest to society.

Art Experience 2023 | Art Nordic  Lyngby, Danmark

Kaiserstein Palace  Prague, Czech Republic

  • Does art help you in other areas of life?

 Of course, because art itself has a beneficial effect on improving memory, susceptibility to external factors, and therefore helps to approach complex problems from different angles.

  • How do you develop your artistic skills?

 I try to periodically return to the basics of academic drawing in order to strengthen my skills in constructing perspective, for example, although I work in different directions of painting. I also use different materials for my work, which contributes positively to creativity and the expansion of consciousness.

  • How can your work influence social problems?

 I hope my works have a positive effect on people's consciousness, shape thinking, improve cognitive skills such as critical thinking. They also improve perception, memory, motor skills and generally have a calming effect.

  • How do you navigate the professional art industry?

 I visit museums and galleries, and there is also a lot of information on the Internet where you can analyze what is relevant in the world of contemporary art.

  • What parts of professional art do you like most and least?

 I really like that there are talented contemporary artists emerging whose work is a joy to watch. What I dislike the least is that the opportunity for emerging artists to exhibit their work in prestigious galleries is minimal.

  • What do critics and collectors say about your work?

 Many people find my work attractive, but there is another group of people who think differently.

Kaiserstein Palace  Prague, Czech Republic

  • What factors influence the price of your work?

 Cost of materials used, time and energy + price of the artist's work.

  • What are your ultimate career goals?

 To be a sought-after artist.

  • How do you manage work-life balance as an artist?

 I try to separate these aspects of life, as creativity sometimes requires full dedication and attention.

  • What would you like to say to other artists?

 I would like to wish all artists inspiration and success in their creativity

Contacts of the artist